Thursday, December 25, 2008

AZAM 2009


Salam Buat Semua Pengunjung Blog Saya...

Tahun 2008 akan meninggalkan kita tidak lama lagi bersama dengan 1001 kenangan manis dan pahit . Tahun 2009 akan menyusul tiba tidak lama lagi dengan 1001 pengharapan. Adakah azam kita pada 2008 sudah tercapai? Bagaimana pula dengan azam 2009 pula? Adakah kita sudah bersedia menghadapinya?

Bagi saya tahun 2008 merupakan tahun yang penuh dengan cabaran dan ia semakin mencabar dengan kedatangan tahun 2009. Banyak sangat peristiwa yang tak mampu dikongsikan untuk anda semua. Tapi saya akan menjadikan segala peristiwa dan pengalaman tahun 2008 dari sudut kehidupan, pekerjaan, perkahwinan serta kerohanian satu pengajaran atau iktibar bagi saya untuk menyambut kedatangan tahun 2009. Saya berazam untuk mengukuhkan kedudukan saya dalam aspek baik kerohanian, kewangan / kebendaan, perkahwinan serta kerjaya saya dan semuanya untuk menjadi yang terbaik antara yang terbaik. InsyaAllah..

Saya juga ingin kongsikan beberapa artikel tentang Azam 2009 yang boleh dijadikan panduan bagaimana kita boleh menanam dengan jelas azam kita ditahun 2009.

My 2009 New Year Resolution

Everyone has heard how bad the economy is at this point, and we have officially gone into a recession. People are getting laid off left and right, there are talks of bailouts and bankruptcy, and the cost of living has skyrocketed. It seems the only silver lining in the whole situation is the dropping gas prices, and let's be honest -- how long can that last?I think the scariest part of it all is the not knowing. Will I have a job in a month? Will I have to choose food over a mortgage payment? Will I have to choose medication over the utility bill? The uncertainty of the economy and our place in the world can be a bit frightening. That is why, as the calendar turns from December 2008 to January 2009, I have decided to adopt a New Year's Resolution that will put matters into my own hands.My New Year's Resolution or 2009 is to become financially independent.

It is important for me to have peace of mind that I could survive, even for just a limited period of time, if I did happen to lose my job in this falling economy. Along with this new year's resolution, I have come up with a few steps that will help me on my way to financial independence.

01. Create A Plan - The first step to doing anything is to create a detailed plan. A plan must include achievable goals as well as a timeframe in which to achieve them. Goals without deadlines are merely good ideas that won't go anywhere. So my first step in my 2009 New Year's Resolution is to come up with a definite plan that will save me money and take me down the road of financial independence.

02. Write It Down - Something like trying to become financially independent can seem a bit daunting at first, and all of the steps that come up in the plan can make it seem impossible. But writing it down in a clear, concise way makes it seem more easily attainable. Each action should have a purpose, and writing it down will help me keep the goal in focus all the way throughout 2009.

03. Pay Off Large Debts - One of the most important aspects of becoming financially independent is to owe as little as you can to as few people as possible. And when tackling these debts, it's wise to start with the larger ones, as the smaller ones will clean up easily with the big ones out of the way. I'm not foolish enough to think that I'll get everything paid off quickly, but with enough time and work, I know I can make a dent in my own debts and get them down enough to make a difference.

04. Cut Down On Unnecessary Spending - It's easy to say that you have no unnecessary spending, but the truth is, there is almost always something you can cut back on - even if it means carpooling to save on gas money or turning off lights and appliances when leaving a room. Being that I live out of town, I could make a better habit of making one trip to town for everything that I need instead of making several unnecessary trips.

05. Start Saving Money - It's one thing to cut down on costs, and save yourself money each month, but it's another thing to actually sock that money away for later emergencies, in case the economy lets me down and unemployment knocks at my door. So, in 2009, on top of cutting down on unnecessary costs and paying off my debts, I'll be keeping the money I save in savings.

My New Year's Resolution is to Improve My Marriage

Every December people choose to make resolutions. The ending of a year seems a good time to symbolically sweep away the old bad habits and start the new year fresh. I often find myself at the snack table of a Christmas party swearing to eat healthier and lose weight with each new year. However; these resolutions rarely work and never last. So nowadays I only make resolutions I'm serious about, have given real thought to, and have a definite plan to achieve.

For 2009 I resolve to improve my marriage. I was leery of choosing this as my resolution since it is not a tangible thing and it will be completely subjective. However; it is greatly needed with this country's love of divorce, more important than ever. As a couple, we agreed to remove the word divorce from our vocabulary before we married so since I'm stuck with him until one of us dies, I feel I may as well make the best of it!

The first thing I plan to do to improve my marriage is re-read Dr. Gary Chapman's The Five Love Languages. From this book I learned how different people express love in five main ways. This was eye-opening for me as I soon began to realize, my husband and I "speak" completely different love languages! Every time my husband came behind me and hugged me while I was trying to cook or fold laundry was his way of expressing how much he loves me, not just trying to get in my way or distract me while I was busy. For his part, he learned that my always making sure one of his favorite snacks were in the house equaled a big hug and kiss from me. Therefore, I will start the new year by reading Dr. Chapman's book again since it has been seven years since I last read it, and I could use the refresher course.

Secondly, I will begin praying for my husband on a daily basis. Not the selfish prayers for him to quit being so selfish or to please get the better paying job, rather I will pray for his benefit. I choose to pray for God's Will, spiritual growth, and for peace in his life. If my husband is happy with himself and his relationship with God, naturally he will be happier with me.

This leads directly into the third step I will take toward improving my marriage; improving my relationship with God. Too many people discount the importance a personal relationship with God has on a marriage. God wants nothing more for me than to be happy and loved. He would never want me to have a bad marriage. It only makes sense that the closer I draw to Him, the closer I'll draw to my husband. I'll be the first to admit I'm a very stubborn person. In this day and age, submissive is not viewed as an admirable trait. As women, we are to be strong, decisive, and assertive. However, as a Christian, I am to be tender and submissive to God and my husband. This does not come easy to me and will be key to the success or failure of my 2009 resolution.

The fourth step follows the third closely; I must learn to be content. I have a great life; I'll be the first to admit. I have a wonderful husband who thinks it great that I stay at home to raise our three young children. We own our home, have a steady income, two vehicles, a dumb dog who puts up with anything our kids do to her, and a wonderful system of extended family and friend who provide me with unconditional love. What more do I need? My choosing to stay at home as well as having three kids means we don't have lot materially and money is never in plenty, but it means I'm there for everything. I never miss my toddler's "firsts," my daughter's newest story, or my son's latest achievement; things working moms rarely get to enjoy and those without kids miss entirely. I may not have the latest clothes, or many clothes that fit at all. Yet I constantly find myself unhappy with my life. I have an active mind that yearns for the stimulation my previous office job provided. I go shopping and lament the things I can't buy. I live in a wonderful small town with a great child-centered school, yet lament the fact that it takes over an hour to drive to the mall (you know, the one I can't afford to shop at anyway!).
The fifth and hardest thing for me is to make more alone time with my husband. With three young kids, one in diapers and another is special needs, it is incredibly hard to have a date night. We do not have any family nearby and no friends that we feel free to call on unless it was a need, so to get away we have to resort to a babysitter, which can get expensive as well as hard to coordinate. Furthermore, to have a date, I must clean the house, arrange for the babysitter, and usually plan the date on my own. My husband wants to simply say we need a date and leave the rest up to me. So for me, I feel it's more frustrating than relaxing. Yet, isn't that the most selfish thing you've heard? I don't want a date with my husband because it's difficult and frustrating. However; time alone with my husband is vitally important to the health of our marriage! Therefore, I must make a concentrated effort to spend more time with my husband. Time where conversation is not centered on the latest animated movie or conducted with said movie playing the background. We need to talk without every third sentence being directed toward the child pulling on our leg. Even if I don't make a formal date, I need to arrange time after the kids are in bed where I focus on my husband and not just sit in a recliner and stare mindlessly at the TV until we go to bed.

If I wanted to succeed in business, I would need to invest a lot of time and thought into it. If I wanted to succeed in a new hobby, I would need to learn about it, and then invest time, money, and devotion towards it. Therefore, it only makes sense if I want my marriage to succeed, I need to study it, both a reflection of how it is and how to make it better; I need to focus on improving the components of it, my husband and myself; and I need to invest a large amount of time to improving it. Great marriage don't just happen, they are built with a lot of hard work and over time. In the end, I feel I will reap the rewards of focusing on my marriage in the coming year.

By Shikara Cerak, published Dec 16, 2008

"Semoga Tahun 2009 Adalah Tahun Kita"

Merry Christmas 2008

Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal kepada semua pembaca blog saya yang beragama Kristian:

"May Peace Hope and Love be with you Today Tomorrow and Always Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2009"

Monday, December 22, 2008

Allah hanya memanggil kita sebanyak 3 kali seumur hidup...

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal. Saat itu aku baru saja menyelesaikan solat Dhuha, hari terakhir aku di Masjid Nabawi untuk menuju Mekah... ... . .aku bertanya pada Ibu. ' Ibu, kataku, ada cerita apa yang menarik tentang Umrah... .?' Al Maklum, ini pertama kali aku ber Umrah. Dan Ibu, memberikan Tausyiahnya. Ibu adalah pemilik Maknah Tour Travel dimana saya bergabung untuk Umrah di bulan July 2007 yang lalu. Kebetulan umrahku dimulai di Madinah dulu selama 4 hari, baru ke Mekah. Tujuannya adalah mendapatkan saat Malam Jumaat di depan Kaabah. Jadi aku punya kesempatan untuk bertanya tentang Umrah. Ibu berkata... 'Shinta (mana timangan ku), Allah hanya memanggil kita 3 kali saja seumur hidup..'

Keningku berkerut... ... ... .'Sedikit sekali Allah memanggil kita..?' Ibu tersenyum.. 'Iya, tahu tidak apa saja 3 panggilan itu..?' Saya menggelengkan kepala. 'Panggilan pertama adalah Azan', ujar Ibu. 'Itu adalah panggilan Allah yang pertama. Panggilan ini sangat jelas terdengar di telinga kita, sangat kuat terdengar. Ketika kita sholat, sesungguhnya kita menjawab panggilan Allah. Tetapi Allah masih fleksibel, Dia tidak 'cepat marah' akan sikap kita. Kadang kita terlambat, bahkan tidak sholat sama sekali karena malas. Allah tidak marah seketika. Dia masih memberikan rahmatNya, masih memberikan kebahagiaan bagi umatNya, baik umatNya itu menjawab panggilan Azan-Nya atau tidak. Allah hanya akan membalas umatNya ketika hari Kiamat nanti'. Saya terpekur... . .mata saya berkaca-kaca. Terbayang saya masih melambatkan sholat karena meeting lah, mengajar lah, dan lain lain. Masya Allah... ... . ..

Ibu melanjutkan, 'Shinta, Panggilan yang kedua adalah panggilan Umrah/Haji. Panggilan ini bersifat halus. Allah memanggil hamba-hambaNya dengan panggilan yang halus dan sifatnya 'bergiliran' . Hamba yang satu mendapatkan kesempatan yang berbeza dengan hamba yang lain. J alan nya bermacam-macam... Yang tidak punya wang menjadi punya wang, yang tidak merancang pula akan pergi, ada yang memang merancang dan terkabul. Ketika kita mengambil niat Haji / Umrah, berpakaian Ihram dan melafazkan 'Labaik Allahuma Labaik/ Umrotan', sesungguhnya kita saat itu menjawab panggilan Allah yang ke dua. Saat itu kita merasa bahagia, karena panggilan Allah sudah kita jawab, meskipun panggilan itu halus sekali. Allah berkata, laksanakan Haji / Umrah bagi yang mampu'. Mata saya semakin berkaca-kaca. ... ... ..Subhanal lah... ... .saya datang menjawab panggilan Allah lebih cepat dari yang saya rancangkan.. ... ...

Alhamdulillah... 'Dan panggilan ke-3', lanjut Ibu, 'adalah KEMATIAN. Panggilan yang kita jawab dengan amal kita. Pada kebanyakan kasus, Allah tidak memberikan tanda tanda secara langsung, dan kita tidak mampu menjawab dengan lisan dan gerakan. Kita hanya menjawabnya dengan amal sholeh. Karena itu Shinta, manfaatkan waktumu sebaik-baiknya. ..Jawablah 3 panggilan Allah dengan hatimu dan sikap yang Husnul Khotimah... . ... ... .Insya Allah syurga adalah balasannya.. ... .'

Mata saya basah di dalam Masjid Nabawi , saya sujud bertaubat pada Allah karena kelalaian saya dalam menjawab panggilanNya. ... . Kala itu hati saya makin yakin akan kebesaranNya, kasih sayangNya dan dengan semangat menyala-nyala, saya mengenakan baju Ihram dan berniat... .. ... .. Aku menjawab panggilan UmrahMu, ya Allah, Tuhan Semesta Alam... ... .. ... .**

"Huraisy" - Pada hari kiamat akan keluar seekor binatang dari neraka jahanam yang bernama 'Huraisy' berasal dari anak kala jengking. Besarnya Huraisy ini dari timur hingga ke barat. Panjangnya pula seperti jarak langit dan bumi. Malaikat Jibril bertanya : 'Hai Huraisy! Engkau hendak ke mana dan siapa yang kau cari?' Huraisy pun menjawab, 'Aku mahu mencari lima orang.'

Pertama, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang.
Kedua, orang yang tidak mahu keluarkan zakat.
Ketiga, orang yang derhaka kepada ibubapanya.
Keempat, orang yang bercakap tentang dunia di dalam masjid.
Kelima, orang yang suka minum arak.'

Kesal saya dgn sikap buruk sangka saya terhadap orang lain dan sikap tidak tahu berterima kasih dgn kawan yg sentiasa berlapang dada.. ..sampaikan pesanan ini biarpun 1 ayat..

Wallahualam - di tulis oleh Nurqush

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Renungan Di Pagi Aidil Adha

Mutiara Kata Motivasi melalui renungan di pagi Aidil Adha yang lepas...

"Saudaraku..ketahuilah bahawa daging daging unta atau lembu mahupun kambing (sembelihan) dan darahnya itu sekali kali tidak dapat mencapai (keridahaan) Allah tetapi ketaqwaan kamulah yang dapat mencapainya. Demikianlah Allah telah menundukannya untuk kamu supaya kamu mengagungkan Allah terhadap hidayahNya. Dan berilah khabar gembira kepada orang-orang orang yang berbuat baik (QS22.37)".

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sekilas ESQ Ways 165

“Apabila telah datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan, maka kamu lihat manusia masuk ke dalam agama Allah dengan berbondong-bondong, maka bertasbihlah dengan memuji Rabbmu dan mohonlah ampunan kepada-Nya. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penerima Taubat."
(QS. 110:1-3)

Alhamdulillah…kupanjatkan syukurku kepadamu Ya Allah…
Engkaulah Al-Hadi yang Maha Memberi Petunjuk,
dan Engkau akan memberikan Petunjuk kepada Sesiapa yang Engkau kehendaki….walau dengan apa cara…
Maka carilah Allah dalam segenap nafas kehidupan, Insya Allah akan lebih dekat dengan kita...

“Beruntunglah siapa yang mensucikan, rugilah bagi yang mengotorinya..”

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lagu Ketuhanan Yang Paling Menyentuh Sanubari

Salam Kedamaian...

Lagu ketuhanan yang paling menyentuh sanubari...boleh dijadikan panduan ketika berdoa kerana kadangkala kita tidak mampu dan tidak tahu bagaimana nak di ucapkan..tapi suara hati terus berdetik tak kala berdoa kepadaNya tapi getarannya dapat di rasakan apabila airmata berlinangan. Dan ketika melayari internet terdengar lagu yang berjaya mengusik jiwa..lantas tanpa sedar hati dan kepala di rundukan kerana merasa bertapa kerdilnya kita.. sila hayati bait-bait lirik lagu ini..

Damba cintamu
Album : Syukur
Munsyid : Raihan

Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMu
Ku sering melanggar laranganMu
Dalam sedar ataupun tidak
Ku sering meninggalkan suruhanMu
Walau sedar aku milikMu
Bilakah diri ini 'kan kembali
Kepada fitrah sebenar
Pagi kuingat petang kualpa
Begitulah silih berganti

Oh Tuhanku,
Kau pimpinlah diri ini
Yang mendamba CintaMu
Aku lemah aku jahil
Tanpa pimpinan dariMu
Ku sering berjanji di depanMu
Sering jua ku memungkiri
Ku pernah menangis keranaMu
Kemudian ketawa semula

Kau pengasih
Kau penyayang
Kau pengampun
Kepada hamba-hambaMu
Selangkah ku kepadaMu
Seribu langkah Kau padaku

Diri ini tidak layak ke surgaMu
Tapi tidak pula aku sanggup ke nerakaMu
Kutakut kepadaMu
Ku mengharap jua padaMu
Mogaku 'kan selamat dunia akhirat
Seperti rasul dan sahabat
Seperti rasul dan sahabat...

Untuk menhayatinya sila terus ke laman web:

Mutiara Kata

Memetik kata Dr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian..

"Ketika kita tidur malam nanti, belum tentu kita akan bangun esok pagi. Ketika kita baring, belum tentu kita mampu bangkit dan menikmati keindahan sinaran mentari." - Founder "The ESQ Way 165."

Salam Kedamaian buat semua..

Pada yang belum mengenali siapa Dr Ary Ginanjar Agustian, saya ulaskan sedikit tentang beliau buat pengetahuan semua.

~ Dr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian; the founder of the character building module, ESQ Way 165 ~
“ESQ Leadership Training is amazing and very different compared to other trainings that I have attended…”
That is a conclusion made by most of ESQ alumni. Indeed ESQ Leadership Training is unique compared to other trainings since it is not only a leadership and management training but it also combines psychology, Sufism and science.
The founder of ESQ Leadership Training is Dr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian, a graduate from University of Udayana, Indonesia and Tofe College Adelaide, Australia. He has 15 years experience in education and business. Based on his continuous research, he did successfully write and publish some books such as “Rahasia Sukses Membangun Kecerdasan Emosi” (The Secret of Developing Emotional Intelligence) and “Rahasia Sukses Membangkitkan ESQ Power” (The Secret of Developing ESQ Power).
Then in 2001, Dr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian set up a training company called ESQ Leadership Center to conduct a training based on his books. Its target is to develop holistic characters in training participants through a combination of intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence. He was chosen as “The Most Powerful People and Ideas in Business 2004″ by an Indonesian magazine, Swasembada. He was also chosen as “Tokoh Perubahan 2005″ by Republika newspaper. In addition, he was appointed as the manager of Dewan Pakar ICMI(Specialist Hall ICMI) for 2005-2010 term.
On 18th December 2007, Dr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian was awarded “Doctor Honoris Causa” in character education by University of Yogjakarta due to his continous commitment for human character development not only in Indonesia and Malaysia but also in Singapore, United States of America, Netherland and many more.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Rahsia Tarik Lahir

Mengenali dan memahami diri melalui rahsia tarikh lahir untuk Kejayaan, Kekayaan dan Kecemerlangan Hidup!

Kaedah Rahsia Tarikh Lahir Untuk MENGETAHUI KEKUATAN, KELEMAHAN DAN POTENSI INDIVIDU Dalam Membuat Perancangan YANG EFEKTIF Bagi Mendapatkan SATU KEHIDUPAN YANG PENUH DENGAN KEJAYAAN, KEKAYAAN dan KECEMERLANGAN . Panduan Asas Yang Jarang Sekali Diberikan Atau Dikongsi Bersama, Kini Di Bawa Secara Eksklusif Khusus Untuk Anda Semua.

Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut sila lawati laman web "Rahsia Tarikh Lahir"

Selamat Mencuba!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mengejar Langit Terbuka


Nantikan di pasaran sebuah buku cenderahati bertajuk "Mengejar Langit Terbuka" yang akan di pasarkan selewat-lewatnya pada akhir tahun ini.. Buku cenderahati tersebut merangkumi:

  • Surah - Surah Amalan Harian

  • Surah Yassin bersama Doa Tahlil dll

  • Asma Ul Husna & Terjemahannya

Semoga impian sahabat saya HabibShah melahirkan buku ini mendapat keredhaan Allah s.w.t, Amin.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Salam Kedamaian..

Sebagai Pengarah Program, rutin tetap saya setiap pagi adalah untuk bagi "briefing", terutama tentang apa yang telah berlaku semalam, apa yang akan dilakukan hari ini dan apakah perancangan untuk hari esok. Semuanya tentang Visi & Misi syarikat. Motivasi untuk 'staffs' dll. Dan salah satu mukadimahnya...

(Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani)

Demi Matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari,
Demi Bulan apabila mengiringi,
Demi Siang apabila menampakkan diri,
Demi Malam apabila menutupi...
Demi Langit dan seluruh binaannya,

Demi Bumi dan segala hamparannya,
Demi Jiwa dan segala penyempurnaannya...

Allah mengilhami sukma kebaikkan dan keburukkan,
Beruntung pada mereka yang mensucikannya...
Rugilah bagi yang mengotorinya...

Inilah satu-satunya pembuka kata yang paling berkesan pada diri saya..dan buat semua yang mendengarnya..

Know And Love Yourself Thru "The 7 Basic Law of Nature"

...Nature, through its marvelous laws, guides individuals towardsachieving the goals they set for themselves, and eventually tofulfilling the very reason they are here on this planet.
Unfortunately, our inability to understand its infinite wisdomcauses us to go through the various emotions ranging fromnegative, that is disappointment, frustration, anger etc, and toa certain extent overly positive emotions.


Your Self Esteem And Happiness

Here is a list of inspiring words for you that will help you build your self esteem and help you feel better about yourself.

Listen to your inner voice and follow it for it is wisdom and knows what is best for you.

Talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

Think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best-you deserve nothing less.

Care about the happiness and success of others and offer them all the help and encouragement they need.

When you help someone ask nothing in return, you will receive your reward ten times over.